A Rabbit Hole Takes The Biscuit – Henry’s
As I have stated previously, I walk our neighbours dog Henry, a Golden Retriever, twice a week on a Tuesday and Thursday. Now Henry is a real gentleman of the doggy world and is extremely well behaved- obeys every command (well nearly), and a walk with him is a very relaxing and sedate affair. Over the 12 months that I have been walking him, I have never had anything to write about, but this morning 1st March 2012, we had rather a funny incident.
On every walk Henry’s owners provide two of his favourite Oscar dog biscuit treats and Henry knows exactly on the walk where he gets given them – well works for them. I make him sit and wait and then hide them, to which he then has to find them, which he seems to enjoy the game, particularly when a biscuit is on the end of it.
On our way back down a farm track I decided to hide his second biscuit a little way up in the hedge. I found what I thought was a good spot and laid the biscuit on a muddy ledge. However, when I was just positioning it, it disappeared. I realised that I had put it on the opening to a rabbit hole. I fumbled around in the earth but I couldn’t get hold of it. Steve (my husband) was with me on this walk and he rolled up his sleeve, inserted his arm into the hole, but as it was a deep vertical hole, the biscuit was now down in the depths of the burrow and gone forever. Steve withdrew his arm, which was now covered in mud.
Henry at this stage decided to come and see what was going on, as he had waited long enough for his treat. He obviously smelt where the biscuit had gone, so decided to have a dig himself, getting mud all over his face and his front paws, which now had turned a shade of brown – but nothing!!! He looked so disappointed and couldn’t understand why there was no biscuit. How do you explain to a dog that although he did as he was told and waited patiently until the command was given to seek, that there was no usual treat at the end.
He walked away from the hole with a sad look and expected me to produce another biscuit from my pocket, but he is only limited to two, so he was obviously disappointed.
This sort of thing could only happen to me, but I wonder if the rabbits enjoyed their rather unusual bit of food!!!
A Rabbit Hole Takes The Biscuit – Henry’s
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