Booking In And The Selling – My Part
Booking In
As we run a business it is paramount that good records are kept of every aspect of it, and this is my job. I have to say that I am quite meticulous and my way might not be the best or easiest, but this is how I work. I am a believer of keeping manual records, as even though with all this modern technology, a manual record to me is the best record, but I know there will be many that will disagree. My first job, is to book every item that Steve has purchased manually into a booking in book, detailing the item with the description, defining the hallmarks, size etc.
Preparing for listing
From here I then have individual paper sheets all headed up for recording what date an item is listed, at what price and the eBay item number. I then use an eBay selling tool called Turbo Lister, to list each item, giving a detailed description, with the price and of course the photograph. You can create as many items as you like in Turbo Lister and when I am happy with the final details I can then upload to eBay, and this is the point that will be listed in eBay for all to see. Now I list all my items with a good till cancelled format, which means that once they are listed, I can forget them and not have to do anything to them until they actually sell, as they just roll on automatically each month. I do try to list all my items with as much detail as possible, as this then cuts down on any unnecessary customer questions, but any questions that I do get I will personally answer. Once the item is listed, it is then a waiting game until an item is sold.
Once I get an email to say that an item has sold, I then have to package it up and weigh it in readiness for posting (as I have all the necessary postage labels etc, I stick on the relevant labels that are required for UK postings and all over the World). I then wait for payment from the customer, and as soon as this is received, I will email them confirming the exact date of posting, and take the items to the Post Office. As I like to post off items as soon as I receive payment, I usually take a walk down to my Post Office every day. Once the customer has received the item, then feedback is left.
I have many repeat customers, and some have become very good email friends, that I regularly keep in contact with.
Read about Steve’s part of the process here
Booking In And The Selling – My Part
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