Deer in the Ferns, Spotted One at Last
1st December 2011. Have just come back from my twice weekly walk with Henry up on Henlake Down, which is just behind our house and a lovely experience. After walking up on this Down for over two years, I was lucky enough to come extremely close to a deer. I have been told they are up there, but I have never seen one, but today was my lucky day. Henry and I were just meandering through the heavily overgrown ferns (although they are now brown and dying back) on a little path, when I thought I saw a dog up in front of us. I realised that as we got closer it and it started springing over the ferns with white fur under its little tail, that it was in fact a deer. It was very pretty and as we carried on walking it jumped over the ferns away from us. It was such a shame that I do not have an all singing and dancing mobile phone which includes a camera, but I only have a very old phone that it is just basically a phone and therefore was unable to capture the moment.
I was however so excited, that I telephoned Steve (my husband) who was at a silver auction, probably not the best thing to do, but I had to tell someone!!! He does sometimes join Henry and I on our walks, and he does have a mobile phone which has a camera, but unfortunately today he was otherwise engaged – what a shame. I doubt whether I will see one again.
Clip art courtesy of
Deer in the Ferns, Spotted One at Last
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