I helped at a birthday party down at the EST centre in Ivybridge on the 25th January 2012. The centre is available for birthday parties for children with special needs where the staff and donkeys are provided for riding and the family provides the food for the children. This is a very popular service that we offer and many children have had a great party.
One of the donkeys used for this party was Pancho, and although I shouldn’t have favourites he is definitely one of them. He a large donkey but I have to say I didn’t realise he had a talent until standing in the arena with him during this particular party. He was standing for a few moments and suddenly started to bray, except it was nothing like a normal donkey bray, but it sounded as if he was singing as it was in a very high pitched melodic sound.
He has shown off this talent before (I wasn’t around when he did) and one of the centre staff actually captured him singing in the pen one day, and uploaded a video on You Tube. If you click the link below you can hear his special talent. Perhaps we could take him to the auditions of the next “Britain’s Got Talent”, they have had singing dogs, etc but a donkey would be something completely different, and Simon Cowell loves animals, so I know he would fall in love with Pancho. Trouble is I believe the winner this year is going to have a trip in Space, so you never know, the first donkey in space would be a revelation.
Pancho the Singing Donkey
I was leading Eeyore around, and I have to admit that he is another of my favourite donkeys. He is one of the adoption donkeys and is one of our largest. Now some donkeys walk quite slowly and have to be coaxed along, but Eeyore strides out very quickly and is hard to actually keep up with him. However, he is great to be leading when we have races!!
You can read how I became an EST Ivybridge volunteer here
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